


Translation is about communicating your message across linguistic and cultural borders, ensuring that your product or service works for the target audience. In practice, translating any text requires a certain degree of adaptation or localization to make sure that the translated content is relevant and appropriate in the target user’s local culture and appeals to the target audience segment you want to reach.


To be able to craft a text that does credit to your company and its products and services and provides maximum impact for the target audience, the translator needs to know where your text will appear and what you want it to achieve. To discuss your objectives, I offer a free no-obligation consultation prior to the project’s start.


Please contact me by email or fill out the quote request form and I will contact you shortly.



Editing aims at improving the flow and quality of texts at different levels (for example content, structure, clarity, style) to ensure improved readability, enhanced comprehensibility, coherent argumentation and structure, as well as style and tone tailored for your target audience. Editing might involve adding or deleting text, rewriting parts of it, reorganizing and clarifying content and so on.
Please contact me by email to discuss what type and depth of editing your text needs. If you are unsure whether you need editing or proofreading services, please feel free to send your documents to me by email for a free consultation.



Proofreading is the final stage of editing, focusing on checking the surface level of the text: grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other formal features such as citation style and format. Proofreading does not involve any substantial changes to the content and form of the text. Its primary purpose is to ensure that the work is polished and ready for publication.
Please contact me by email to discuss your proofreading project. If you are unsure whether you need proofreading or other editing services, please feel free to send your documents to me by email for a free consultation.



Rather than translating a document in full, it might be beneficial to identify first which parts of the material—for example a large manual or website content—are relevant and useful to your international target audience. Depending on the volume and complexity of the source text as well as the purpose for which the summary is needed, a summary can be brief and concise or quite lengthy.
Please contact me by email for a free consultation about your project.

Writing and rewriting

Writing and rewriting

When translated, some text types, such as marketing and communications material, often have to undergo substantial changes and extensive rewriting in order to be in line with the culture and mindset of the target market. Such materials might be more effective when written directly in the native language of the target audience. Thus, as an alternative to translation services, I also offer writing and rewriting services: materials written directly in the target language or rewritten from a new perspective.
The goal of the writing service is to create entirely new content based on your ideas and objectives. The purpose of the rewriting service is to refresh existing texts, for example by adopting a new perspective, which involves substantial changes in the form and content of the original text.
You might benefit from the writing or rewriting service if you have ideas for a text but not enough time to produce the content. Maybe you have a strong message and are seeking the most effective way to express it to your target audience. Or perhaps you are looking to refresh existing materials by presenting them in a new way.
In order to receive exactly the type of text you are looking for please contact me by email for a free consultation prior to the project’s start.



Subtitling is a form of translation involving not only words but images and sounds as well. The simultaneous presence of many communication channels requires a specialized set of skills from the translator. The subtitler typically needs to use text condensation strategies because the quantity of speech often exceeds the space and time available for the written subtitles. When carrying out the task, the subtitler has to ensure audience understanding while seeing to it that the subtitles work as part of the audiovisual message as a whole and retain the original feel of the footage.

I offer subtitling services for audiovisual products such as films, games, TV programs, business videos and online presence.